Kodiak Island Wildlife Viewing

Bear Viewing from the Lodge
Opportunities exist to seek out the chance meetings of Kodiak brown bears. Your guides will take you to locations by boat that bears often frequent. This ride will allow you to see other wildlife as well. Walking up the Zachar River provides another opportunity to see bear as they feed on the fish caught from the river. The silver salmon run the end of August and beginning of September increases your chance to view these powerful creatures among their natural surroundings.

Kodiak Island Wildlife Ocean Tours

From the comfort of the boat, you may see a raft of sea otters bobbing in the water, watch a commercial fishing boat pull in its catch, and search the waters for signs of whale. After about 20 minutes travel you will arrive in Spiridon Bay where you may find sea lions lounging on a small island, harbor seals sunning themselves along the shore, and more sea otters. The multitude of water birds nesting and feeding on the plentiful food source include puffins, oyster catchers, cormorants, gulls, and terns. You will then visit other bird rookeries before heading to a beach for a picnic lunch. Then boat back to Zachar Bay following the shore so you can better watch eagles and the occasional fox, deer, or bear.
- Whales
- Sea Lions
- Sea Otters
- Seals
- Puffins and sea bird rookeries
- Eagles
- Deer, fox and/or occasional bear on the shore
- Beach combing

Zachar River Hike

The captain will take you and your guide to the head of the bay and drop you off for your hike to the river. You’ll begin on the ocean shore and traverse up an old riverbed until you find yourself wading through a small area of tall grass. From these vantage points you may see eagles and their nests, fox, deer, and a variety of small birds, as well as a multitude of Alaskan flora. As you enter a small, wooded area, look for signs of beaver activity and bear scat or bear fur rubbed on trees, as well as the numerous songbirds that make this area their home. Emerge from the woods to view the river and see schools of fish ready to spawn. There is a nice hill to sit and eat lunch while looking for bear that might come to fish. While waiting for the bears you could fish if you’d like or you could explore upriver further and see the beautiful river gorge, another area in which bears often congregate. At the appointed time, hike back out to the pick-up point and be boated back to the lodge.
- Eagles, ducks and songbirds
- Black-tail deer
- Fox
- Kodiak Brown Bears
- Various flowers: forget-me-nots, arnica and more
- Scenic shots

Kodiak Island Birding

Kodiak Island is the largest island in the Gulf of Alaska. With 800 miles of coastland; it is an important area for sea birds and those migrating. Summer brings nesting birds from land and sea. Whether at the lodge, bear viewing, taking the other tour or hiking the Zachar River, birds abound.
- Eagles
- Puffins
- Gulls
- Cormorants
- Oyster Catchers
- Ducks
- Sparrows and other song birds
- And so many more (237 species have been recorded on the island over the years)

Animals at the Lodge

Before even leaving for your adventure, nature abounds at the lodge from the blacktail deer that make the lodge their home, to snowshoe hare and the early morning fox on the beach. Rarely are Kodiak brown bear seen on lodge grounds although they do meander the outskirts as trail cams report. From the dining hall deck watch seals, otters and river otters swim by. Rare sightings include eagles diving for fish or a killer whale perusing the bay.

Last but certainly not least, take time to gaze at and smell all of the wonderful flora on our emerald island. From the forget-me-not, Alaska state flower, to the Alaskan fireweed, one that grows back first after forest fires, there are so many wildflowers to see. Many of the wildflowers and foliage have traditional uses as food or health benefits. Consult one of our flower books to learn more.

Zachar Bay Lodge
PO Box 2609
Kodiak, Alaska 99615
(907) 486-4120