Zachar River Fishing
July 1- July 30 Chum Salmon and Dolly Varden Trout
August 1-25 Pink Salmon, Chum Salmon and Dolly Varden Trout
August 25 – September 15 Silver Salmon

A treasure lays hidden at the end of an hour hike; it is the Zachar River. To reach the Zachar River the captain will drop you and your guide at the head of the bay. After walking the shoreline, you’ll follow an old streambed before entering tall grass. Beyond that a short trip through a woodsy area reveals the Zachar River.
Whether early in the year fishing dolly varden trout and chum salmon, or later in the season casting for silver salmon many fishermen leave the river commenting about sore arms. Fresh fish makes a superb lunch over an open fire. It’s just the respite you need.
Small land animals ranging from ermine to fox to deer can be seen along the riverbank. Occasionally, and more often in the fall, Kodiak Brown Bear can be seen feeding on the salmon. This is not only a place to fill your fish box but also to fill your camera with photos.

Zachar Bay Lodge
PO Box 2609
Kodiak, Alaska 99615
(907) 486-4120